Patrick Braswell, ceo/co-founder, brokered for over ten years before stopping to lead and run Ten Eight. He is the visionary that is out to help create practical tech solutions for brokers and improve the industry. Married to Clemson football and his beautiful wife Leigh, Patrick is also father to three little ones. Go Tigers!!
Ben Buie, cto, has been coding as long as he has been walking. Through his relentless work ethic and extreme nerdiness, Ben is the one who propels Ten Eight forward. With a degree from Georgia Tech, he is probably the smartest one in the office. Ben is the proud father of McKenzie and is lucky to have girlfriend Pam and her daughter Jamie in his life. Roll Tide!!
Adam Chiu, user experience, is a welcome addition to the Ten Eight team. With a passion for commercial real estate and startups, Adam is happy to help our users create tours, troubleshoot, and incorporate their feedback into future projects - he can even help you find the power button. Go Dawgs!